Coloring within the lines

Artwork: courtesy of Haley Bond
Artwork: courtesy of Haley Bond

Not long ago I had the occasion to page through a coloring book that had been completed by the small child of a friend. Not sure of the child’s age, but this youngster had been unusually exacting in her work. She had carefully filled in the empty spaces of each and every cartoon character, tree and flower exactly to the bold black lines of their respective borders.

I think it takes a special kind of person to do this, that is, one who is especially meticulous, patient and attentive to detail. I would be inclined to believe that that this little girl will grow up to be an accountant or maybe an engineer. Continue “Coloring within the lines”

Stormy weather

Lightning Bolt Strikes CityA summer afternoon thunderstorm in Florida is a sight to behold, at least on those rare occasions when our lives slow down long enough for us to view the event as a something other than an annoyance. If you live down here, you know how it goes: Darkening skies and winds whipping ominously through the trees warn of the approaching tempest. Birds fall silent. Then, a brilliant flash of light and a terrifying, teeth-rattling crack of thunder. The lightning bolt has surely split open the very fabric of the sky. Water cascades through the fissure, forming heavy raindrops that bombard everything below. Drainpipes gush. More flashes. More peals of thunder. Dogs and small children seek safety under bed quilts.

Continue “Stormy weather”

How did we not see that coming?

Polity: A particular form of political system or government

Congress has asked, and President Obama has agreed, to create a special exemption for Congressional members and their staff from the ObamaCare health coverage that everybody else in America is mandated to buy. The action will simply ignore an amendment to the Affordable Care Act (the law) that states that the only health plans that the Federal Government may make available to Congress are those offered by the Act. (FYI: Members and their staff currently participate in the much more generous Federal Employees Health Benefits Program.)

The Wall Street Journal reports that Congressional members of both parties are fretting over the “brain drain” that will occur among staffers if faced with higher healthcare costs. Hmmm…I think that horse has already left the barn.

WSJ editorials: “Congress’s ObamaCare Exemption,” Monday August 5, 2013, page A12; “Members Only,” Thursday, August 8, 2013, page A12.

Dream on me

"I will not day dream in class." Non Sequitur - by Wiley Miller
“I will not day dream in class.” Non Sequitur – by Wiley Miller

Some time ago Gypsy Dave and I had an email discussion regarding the dreams we have while sleeping. He wrote of a recent experience where not only did he have a dream that was utterly fantastical but he was fully aware that he was dreaming throughout the two-hour experience! I have come to learn that lucid dreams of this nature are not necessarily all that unusual. But they can definitely be spellbinding.

And then there are those recurring dreams which we all have from time to time. I told Dave of a dream of mine that I had experienced over and over many years ago, and then it simply disappeared. Then, bingo, a few weeks ago it resurfaced after being AWOL for at least ten years.

Some dreams just don’t give up.

Continue “Dream on me”

Eight is enough


I have never been particularly fond of insects. But, if one opts to settle in for the long haul here in the Sunshine State, as I did many years ago, one must develop at least a working relationship with these creatures.

[Heads up! To fully appreciate this column, be sure to check out the links.]

As I may have mentioned in earlier writings, our critters down here in Florida can become unnervingly healthy, since they are not normally killed off by winter freezes. For example, we are famous for our palmetto bugs. These guys can grow up to an inch long and love kitchens. They also seem to live forever. Years ago, I resided for a time in a house where our palmetto bugs had been around for so long we gave them names. (“Jeez, Brad, you need to leave some of that pear for the rest of us!”) Continue “Eight is enough”