Take your base!

Skip at Wrigley
Skip at Wrigley

”˜Tis the season! Baseball season, that is. I know, I know, there are some of you out there who may not get too excited about this development. But, wait, don’t stop reading yet (I mean, really, what else do you have to do right now?).

When I was kid, baseball was still the national pastime. I must admit, however, that football has probably taken over that lofty characterization. Nevertheless, the opening of baseball season is as much a harbinger of spring in America as the appearance of a red-breasted robin on a Midwestern lawn or the return of the swallows to Capistrano in California.

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Are you an average American?

da Vinci's Vitruvian Man: Circa 1490
da Vinci’s Vitruvian Man:
Circa 1490

An interesting question, don’t you think? I suspect that most of us consider ourselves to fall in this category. One thing I have learned over the years, though, is that each of us tends to gravitate to others with backgrounds and interests similar to our own (birds of a feather and all). As a result, those particular persons with whom we come into contact on a regular basis seem, well, average, just like us. But let’s take a closer look at this average American “John/Jane Doe” and see how each of us actually compares:

Average American Stats2

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Courtesy of the Jamaica ObserverIt seems as though all of us, including our duly elected public officials, are well advised to be on constant alert for a bill of goods. Here are just a few examples of some assertions that may fall into the category of being a crock, in no particular order:

Continue “Hoodwinked”

Forks in the road

Fork in the roadOn a Sunday morning not long ago I read with interest an article in the Florida Times-Union of a movement here in Jacksonville called Operation Save Our Sons. The organization is designed to help 10-to-18 year-old boys develop better decision-making skills while helping their young fathers improve their parenting skills. It’s operated by the St. Paul Missionary Baptist Church in Jacksonville and was founded by Reverend John Guns, the church’s pastor. The thrust of the service is to encourage fathers and other men to whom these young lads look for guidance in selecting the right roads in life to be up to the task.

Speaking of roads, here are some interesting facts (that, hopefully, I have tricked you into reading about.  But, bear with me – I will come back to my point):

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The woods

I read a review on what sounds like a great book for those of us who like to get off the beaten track once in awhile””the book’s title: “You’re Not Lost If You Can Still See the Truck”, by Bill Heavey (Grove Atlantic), a columnist for Field and Stream. This is a follow-up to his 2007 offering “If You Didn’t Bring Jerky, What Did I Just Eat?” Who could resist titles like that?