Going in circles

An enso circle
An enso circle

I was clicking through TV stations a couple of weekends ago leading up to the Daytona 500 when I stumbled upon a NASCAR race in progress. I watched the action for a bit as the cars careened around the track at nearly 200 miles per hour while, for the most part, remaining only inches apart–something which I more or less do each morning on my way to work. Thus, in short order, I found the whole affair pretty boring. First of all, there are exactly four corners on that track, so it quickly became apparent that any real excitement was most likely to occur just as the pack was entering or leaving a turn (or, in my case, an amber traffic light). In between, of course, there was the rapid increase in speed on the straight-aways, and then braking for a turn. And so on. And so on. In circles, unending.

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Yanks and rebs

southern accent[1]I am a southern-fried Yankee. As you know by now, I was born and raised in the Midwest, but have spent most of my adult life residing south of the Mason-Dixon line. (Not being a history buff, I am not sure what that is, but, on the other hand, I am pretty sure it’s north of where I live.) As I have mentioned in some of my earlier ruminations, this came about following my enlistment in the Coast Guard, as my first duty station was Hawaii. My experience in Hawaii is reminiscent of an experience my wife and I had with a cocker spaniel we once owned named “Scooter.” When Scooter was just a pup we found that we could open the front door of our home on any given Saturday morning and the little guy would dash out to the driveway, ears a-flopping, pick up the newspaper, which was almost as big as he was, and bring it right into the house.

How cute.

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Later gator

Polity: A particular form of political system or government.

OhCrapI am the opposite of a procrastinator. Hmmm, so, what do we call such persons? I found no antonym for “procrastinator” in the dictionary. When I posed this conundrum to my friend, Gypsy Dave, he suggested “anticrastinator.” I kind of like that.

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This is not me...
This is not me…

Humility, of course, is a noun derived from the word “humiliation.” Generally, one has to have a good solid dose of the latter in order gain the virtues of the former. I have had my share. In fact, one of the challenges in writing this rather lengthy essay was to select only two of scores of such experiences to share with you.

One of my earliest memories of humiliating myself in full view of all my friends and peers occurred in the eighth grade. I considered myself a pretty good speller back in those days. So, on this particular morning in Mr. Decker’s science class, the students were asked how to spell “vacuum.” Having a perennial “D” average throughout most of my school years, I was excited to have the rare chance to show everyone how smart I really was, even though I never did any homework whatsoever.

Hand up! Hand up! Me! Me! I know! I know!

“Okay, okay, Skip, please spell vacuum for the class.”

“Yessir, it is spelled v-a-c-u-m-e,” I said, quite pleased with myself, actually.

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Gator bait

The Okefenokee Swamp

Someone once said that there is a thin line between fishing and doing nothing. I have written of the sport of fishing in the past, and those of you who may have read those pieces no doubt understand that I prefer fishing activities that might be better described as the latter than the former.

Anyway, I have an old wooden fishing bobber sticking up out of the corner of a little cane basket I keep on my side-counter in the kitchen. This basket is basically a back-up to my more traditional junk drawer (more on that another time), except the various odds-and-ends in there are more likely to have some actual utility in the near term – with the exception of that bobber. So, one might wonder, why have I not relegated it to the junk drawer? Funny you should ask. Actually, I am not sure. But I think it might be because it reminds me of a great fishing trip I once took with my son Jay and how much fun we had.

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